Hip fracture prevention strategies needed to help reduce fracture risk and associated costs

An estimated 70–90% of hip fractures are caused by osteoporosis. According to a study of Ontarians aged >65, Hip fracture predicts subsequent hip fracture: a retrospective observational study to support a call to early hip fracture prevention efforts in post fracture patients, prior fracture in older adults is a significant predictor of a subsequent hip fracture, on average within 1.5 years over 2 to 6 years of follow up.

The study results reinforce the importance of early hip fracture prevention strategies focusing on adults aged ≥65 with a recent fracture to help reduce hip fracture risk and the high social and human costs. The healthcare costs associated with hip fractures are predicted to increase to $2.4 billion by 2041 in Canada alone.

Key results of the study included the following: